Moore Park Tennis Club Rules
Members, guests and all visitors at the Club are required to follow Club Rules and the MPTC Code of Conduct.
I. Court Booking Procedures
1. Members
(a) The Club uses an online booking system that serves as the club tagboard. Members are required to book courts and to make sure that the names in their booking match the people on their court.
Members who are booked in the system have priority on that court. Members who are booked in the system may bump members, or any other players, who have simply walked on court. Members cannot book courts during public hours, and must follow the rules for public hours posted at the courts.
(b) If a member arrives at the Clubhouse before their booked period, and sees free courts, they may book them up until their original booking starts. If courts are empty after a member has played their booked period, the member may book a further session. Members must wait until their original booking is over before booking a court for a subsequent playing period. If the member is unable to book the courts using their own account, they may ask the Club Monitors to do it for them.
(c) A booked court is held for 15 minutes. If the members do not arrive on court within 15 minutes of their court start time, the booking is forfeited, and the court becomes available to other players.
(d) Members who do not show up to play at all on courts they booked will be recorded as “no-shows.” Multiple no-shows will result in the temporary suspension of booking and therefore playing privileges.
(e) Web clock, the official computer time, set by Canada’s National Research Council, in EST is the Club’s official clock.
2. Guests
(a) A guest is a person who is not a member of the Club but is brought to the Club by a member because the member wishes to play with their guest(s). Members must play on the court with their guest(s) in order for the player(s) to be considered a guest.
(b) Members are responsible for entering their guests’ names into the booking system and making sure the guest fee of $12 is paid by credit card when the court is booked, or that the drop-in guest fee of $15 is paid before play starts. Club Monitors are required to confirm the booking and payment before allowing play.
(c) For instructions on booking guests see the Court Reserve FAQs.
(d) Guests are required to follow Club rules and the Club code. Members are responsible for having their guests obey Club rules. Members whose guests break the rules may face suspension of booking and therefore playing privileges, or other penalties as deemed appropriate. The Club reserves the right to refuse guest privileges to players with a history of breaking the rules.
3. Non-Members
(a) A non-member is a person who is not a member of the Club and not a guest of a member. Before being allowed to play at MPTC, non-Members must check in with the Clubhouse Attendant.
(b) Non-Members will be allowed to play after informing the Club Monitors of their names, and after paying a fee of $15 per person per booking, by electronic money transfer (EMT). Club Monitors are required to confirm the booking and payment before allowing play.
(c) Non-Members must comply with the Club Rules and Code of Conduct.
(d) Non-members are required to follow Club rules and the Club code when on court or at the club. The Club reserves the right to refuse playing privileges to players with a history of breaking the rules.
II. Etiquette and safety rules
(a) The game of tennis depends on courtesy and fairness. Sportsperson-like, respectful, and courteous behaviour is required at all times on the courts and in and around the Clubhouse.
For clarity: Behaviour such as yelling, profanity, or racquet throwing are not allowed. Cell phones, pagers, beepers must be turned off or on silent mode. Music may only be played during club events.
(b) Always enter the courts by the gate closest to your court to avoid disrupting courts.
(c) For the safety of all players, wait until there is a break in play to request the return of a ball from another court or to return a ball to another court. Do not cross on to or behind another court to retrieve a ball. Do not return a ball while play is in progress on another court.
(f) A maximum of three balls per court is allowed except if the court has been booked for a lesson with a MPTC pro or for practice session. Practice sessions are allowed only on courts 1 or 5, and only on weekdays before 4 PM.
(e) Privately owned ball machines may not be used on court. No spectators, strollers, bicycles, dogs, or other non-tennis related items are permitted on the courts at any time, with the exception of parents of very young children taking lessons.
(d) Remove any garbage, food, drinks, clothes, towels, cans or balls from the courts when you leave to ensure a safe and clean environment.
(h) Only staff and current members of the MPTC Board of Directors are permitted in the Clubhouse’s kitchen.
(i) Players may play only on dry courts. In the case of inclement weather, players must exit the courts when directed to do so by the Club Staff.
III. Tennis Attire
All players must wear appropriate tennis attire and non-marking tennis shoes. For the protection of players and of the court surface, no jogging, running or other shoes may be worn on the courts.
For clarity: clothes must cover midriffs.
IV. Public Hours
Public hours are listed at the courts, and on the Club website.
Rules for public hours are set by the City of Toronto and are listed on the sign at the northeast corner of the courts.
Updated 15 February 2025.
MPTC Code of Conduct
I. Introduction
Moore Park Tennis Club (MPTC) is a not-for-profit community tennis Club managed by volunteers for the benefit of its members and guests. The Club pays an annual permit fee to the City of Toronto, which owns the courts, to operate the Club, during Club hours during the outdoor season. Membership fees pay for the upgrade and maintenance of the court surface, Clubhouse, nets, windscreens and lights, and to employ the Club Monitors.
II. Objective of this Code
(a) The MPTC Code of Conduct has been put in place to foster a safe, and welcoming environment, free from discrimination, harassment, abuse and violence, at the Club. Its goal is to encourage a community in which individuals - including members and their guests, non-members who have paid to play, staff, contractors and visitors – are treated with respect, dignity and fairness.
(b) This Code of Conduct also provides guidance regarding how to report behaviour which contravenes the Code, or other Club rules, by laying out the Club’s investigative and discipline processes.
(c) The Code is consistent with and expressly incorporates the Club’s purpose, promoting the playing and enjoyment of tennis, as well as the Club’s By‐Laws, Policies, Rules, each as may be amended by the Board from time to time.
(d) Members are reminded that they are responsible for the conduct of their guests who are also expected to abide by our Code of Conduct and Club rules.
III. Definitions
Definitions: When used in this Code, the following terms will be defined as follows:
(a) “Abuse” includes but is not limited to:
(i) speaking in an offensive way and a way that ought reasonably be known to be offensive to or about someone; or
(ii) treating a person with cruelty or violence.
(b) “Discrimination” includes but is not limited to treating anyone on the basis of any prohibited ground under human rights legislation, or City of Toronto Human Rights Policy (HRAP), such as race, ancestry, place or origin, colour, ethnic origin, citizenship, creed, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, age, marital status, family status or disability.
(c) “Emergency” is a situation that poses an immediate risk to health, life, property, or environment which requires urgent intervention to prevent a worsening of the situation.
(d) “Harassment” includes but is not limited to engaging in a course of vexatious comment or conduct against another person that is known or ought to reasonably be known to be unwelcome.
(e) “Sexual Harassment” includes but is not limited to:
(i) engaging in a course of vexatious comment or conduct with respect to or against another person because of sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression, where the course of comment or conduct is known or ought reasonably to be known to be unwelcome; or
(ii) making a sexual solicitation or advance where the person making the solicitation or advance is in a position to confer, grant or deny a benefit or advancement to another person or employee and the person knows or ought reasonably to know that the solicitation or advance is unwelcome.
(f) “Violence” includes but is not limited to:
(i) the exercise of physical force by a person against another person, that causes or could cause physical injury to the other person;
(ii) an attempt to exercise physical force against another person, that could cause physical injury to the other person: or
(iii) a statement or behaviour that is reasonable for another person to interpret as a threat to exercise physical force against them, that could cause physical injury to them.
IV. Member Responsibilities
By accepting or continuing membership in the Club, every Member is deemed to agree to the following:
(i) The privileges and rights of each Member are governed by the Club’s By‐Law, Club Policies, and Rules, including this Code of Conduct, each as may be amended from time to time;
(ii) The conduct of each Member is subject to the Club’s By‐Laws, Club Policies, and Rules, including this Code of Conduct, each as may be amended from time to time; and
(iii) Each Member is responsible for compliance by his/her guests with the Club’s By‐Law, Club Policies, and Rules, including this Code of Conduct, each as may be amended from time.
V. Member Conduct
All Members and their guests shall:
(i) Conduct themselves in a sportsperson‐like manner when using Club facilities, property and during any Club activity or competition;
(ii) Respect the rights of other Members, their guests, non-members who have paid to play, Club Pros and Staff;
(iii) Respect the Club’s property, facilities and equipment;
(iv) Respect the privacy and personal data of other Members, their guests and Club Staff;
(v) Refrain from collecting bulk member contact information (e.g. emails, phone numbers etc.) for solicitation, commercial, marketing or political use;
(vi) Abide by all local, provincial and national laws and regulations and orders that apply to Club operations;
(vii) Abide by the Ontario Tennis Association’s Code of Conduct for tennis play and the OTA Anti-Harrassment Policy; and
(viii) Be an ambassador for the Club in the community and as a guest at other Tennis Clubs including but not limited to, play as guests, league play, and community events. Members are expected to conduct/comport themselves with the same respect and dignity for others as if at their home Club.
VI. Interaction with Club Directors, Volunteers, and Staff
Members must understand that:
(i) Club Directors, volunteers, staff, vendors, contractors and all others providing service to the Club are to be treated with respect, dignity and fairness consistent with the mission and values of the Club community;
(ii) Members are required to follow the directions of the Club staff, including Club Monitors, who may require them to not play or stop playing for safety or other reasons;
(iii) Club Monitors are required to fill out an Incident Report and submit it to the Club Board in the event that members or their guests refuse to follow their request that they follow this Code of Conduct and/ or other Club Rules.
(iv) Members shall not instruct Club Monitors on their duties or job performance, nor attempt to discipline staff; the Club’s Board of Directors, through the Director in charge of Clubhouse Operations, is solely responsible for instructing Club Monitors in performance of their duties;
(v) Members may comment or make suggestions to Club’s Board of Directors regarding concerns about the performance by Club Staff, vendors, contractors, partners etc. of their duties or the operation of the Club, for the betterment of the Club, and
(vi) If a Member or guest is viewed as being unfit to play, (for example, unsteady on their feet or otherwise unwell), the Member or guest will be refused access to the courts for safety reasons.
VII. Reporting
(a) Violation of this Code of Conduct by a Member, or guest, may be considered conduct which is improper or injurious to the interests and/or operations of the Club.
(b) Any violation observed by a Member shall be brought to the attention of a Board Member, preferably in writing, at the earliest opportunity. Guidelines for reporting incidents are found below.
(c) Any violation observed by a Club Monitor shall be brought to the attention of a Board Member, by submitting an Incident Report, at the earliest opportunity.
(d) Any violation observed by a Board Member or a member of the MPTC teaching staff, shall be brought to the attention of a Board Member, preferably in writing, at the earliest opportunity. Guidelines for reporting incidents are found below
(e) Board members shall report to the matter to members of the Board’s Members’ Relations Committee, a subcommittee of the board.
(f) Directors can be reached via the Contact A Board Member button at the bottom of the page on the Club website at
VIII. Incident Reporting Guidelines
A report about a violation of this Code or of Club Rules should be made as soon as possible after the incident, and should include the following information:
Name, phone number, email address of the member making the report
Date and time of incident
Names of any witnesses
Name of alleged offender(s)
Full details of the incident including what led up to the incident, who was involved, and what happened
Date incident report is being submitted
IX. Violations and Process
(a) Process for Booking Rules
Apparent violations of booking rules will be addressed by the Club's volunteer Booking Administrator. The Administrator will send an email to the member noting the details of the booking irregularity, stating the booking rule in question, informing the member that he or she may respond, or seek explanation of the rules, and that further infractions may lead to suspension of booking rights and playing privileges.
(b) Process for Other Rules
(i) The Club’s Members’ Relations Committee will investigate reports of conduct that is improper or injurious to the interests or operations of the Club or which wilfully violates or neglects the observance of the Club’s By‐Laws, Policies, or Rules, including this Code of Conduct.
(ii) The Committee may ask for reports from witnesses. If any member of the committee or board was party to the incident under investigation that member will offer a written report and then recuse themselves from any vote regarding what should be done regarding that member.
(iii) During this process the Club Board may communicate to the membership that a disciplinary matter is being investigated. Recognizing the potential for detrimental impact on the Club and the enjoyment of members, such investigations shall be undertaken at the earliest possible time.
(iv) In the event the initial investigation indicates that discipline of a Member is appropriate, the Board shall give the Member an opportunity to explain the conduct. The Board shall email the member, using the email on file in the member’s account, setting out the reasons for the proposed disciplinary action, suspension or termination of membership. The note shall indicate that a violation has been reported, when that violation occurred, what parts of the Codes or which Club Rules are said to have been breached or broken, or which conduct has be found to be improper or injurious to the Club.
(v) Upon 15 days’ notice to a Member, the Board may pass a resolution authorizing disciplinary action, suspension or the termination of membership.
(vi) The Member receiving the notice shall be entitled to give the Board a written submission opposing the disciplinary action or termination not less than five days before the end of the 15-day period.
(vii) The Board shall consider the submissions of the Member, if any, in arriving at a final decision regarding disciplinary action, suspension or termination of membership.
(viii) The Board shall notify the Member concerning such final decision within a further 10 days from the date of receipt of the submissions.
(ix) The Board’s decision shall be final and binding on the Member, without any further right of appeal.
X. Discipline
Discipline may include suspension of rights and privileges, or suspension or termination of membership.